Ganagapeta is located in the centre of Kadapa city and this is the reason behind the over crowding in the area. The place is always full of people and activities and events. Ameen Peer Dargah and Y V Street are the two most famous areas of Ganagapeta.Maria Puram
Maria Puram is centrally located and is most famous for Lankamalleshwara Wildlife Sanctuary located here. All of the tourists visiting Kadapa definitely makes it to this sanctuary. This is the reason why most of the famous restaurants and hotels are located in this area.N. G. O. Colony
It is located around the Bellary Road of the city. Telecom colony is adjacent to the N. G. O. Colony. Sri Sai College of IT and Management is the main reason of the famousness of this area.Y V Street
Markets have always been an integral part of any city. Society at large can’t live without them and all want one near them for ease in their life. Y V Street offers all your required things at one place for your convenience. This is the reason behind it being the busiest street of Kadapa.Railway Colony
Cuddapah Railway Station is located in the railway colony of the city, which makes it popular not only among the locals but also among the tourists. Many hotels and restaurants are located nearby to serve all the tourists arriving here for the purpose of travelling. Cuddapah Arts College is another famous landmark of this area. Meseva Kendra is located nearby as well.